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Computer Science "A"

Unit1: Introduction to Tools and Resources

To learn Java and build skills for Career Technical Education students will quickly immerse into Tools and Resources for Java Development and Blogging. These early weeks will focus on the Development Environment, GitHub Pages Blogging platform, AP Classroom resources, and Programming Java with VSCode and Jupyter Notebooks.

Week Plans Examples Hacks (Todo) Tangibles Reviews
Week 1 Plans Sprint plans for week 1

Java Hacks Hacks for Java Hello

Example Game This is an example phaser game, look into the source code to learn something!

Week 2 Plans Sprint plans for week 2

JS Calculator A common way to become familiar with a language is to build a calculator. This calculator shows off button with actions.

Classic Snake Game A pretty advanced use of JavaScript building classic snake game using menu controls, key events, snake simulation and timers.

Game of Life A remix of Conway's game of life using timer, onclick and algorithms.

JS Output w/ jquery A Tech Talk on outputs using HTML and Javascript. This uses jquery for easy onscreen interaction and filtering.

Spotify Api Test 2 Tests for the spotify api functions, attempts to add to queue.

Spotify Api Test 1 Test for how the spotify api works, using bash and some javascript

Week 3 Plans Sprint plans for week 3

Week 2/3 Review Ticket Review Ticket for week 2/3

ChatGPT Code Review I asked ChatGPT to review my code!

Spotify Api Test 3 Tests for the spotify api functions, redirect location

Unit2: Java Mini-labs

Students have been introduced to Classes and Inheritance in Python and JavaScript. In this unit students will become more familiar with Java development and classes through mini-labs. These labs will focus on AP required aspects of Java, additionally they can be used as code to support the backend of a Desktop App or WebSite. This unit concludes with 4 person Project Plan, kicking off the end of trimester N@TM project. Students will be able to write code that completes full stack process of Frontend talking to the Java backend.

Week Plans Examples Hacks (Todo) Tangibles Reviews
Agile Manifesto Our adaption of a traditional agile manifesto for our CSA project

Java Practice FRQ My first Java practice FRQ. This FRQ is type number 3, arrays and arraylists

FRQ Test None

Peer grading Notes and Grades Peer grading for the FRQ labs

Unit 5 Lesson HACKS None

FRQ Test None

Unit3: Individual/Team Projects and N@tM

This Units requirement is to to build individual development skills and a Team Frontend and Backend project in Java. By the end of this unit students will be aware of all the College Board Units and FRQ types. Student will participate in live grading of peers work. Fastpages Blogs and Jupyter Notebooks are required for all individuals. By the end of this section you should have examples, study materials, and code that show a great deal of effort, understanding, and competency.

Week Plans Examples Hacks (Todo) Tangibles Reviews
Table Stuff Table stuff

Unit 6 Lesson Lesson for APCSA Unit 6. Authors are Sreeja, Tanisha, Vivian, and Isabelle

Websocket test Websocket testing

Topics 5.1-5.3 Lesson Notebook 1

Unit 3 Lesson Presentation

Unit 7 ArrayLists ArrayList Lesson

Unit 9 Lesson A progressive journey through Java Inheritance

HashMap Lesson by Shaurya, James, and Shivansh

CollegeBoard Quiz My notes for the collegeboard quiz

Unit4: College Board Teaching and Study

This period will complete formal teaching and grading on the basics of the 10 units. Also, there will be a tech talk and homework on each FRQ type customized for Team PBL idea.

Week Plans Examples Hacks (Todo) Tangibles Reviews
Final Review Here's my review for the entire trimester

Weekly Goals TEMPLATE Automatically Populated Github Issue

Individual Tasks TEMPLATE Automatically Populated Github Issue

Insertion sort Insertion sort testing


Unit5: Passion Projects

Objective of these weeks is to explore and create ideas and concepts for a Team two trimester project. Adding frontend and creativity while using APIs/Databases. This should be a project of personal and team interest. Team projects that are most liked by Teachers and Students will be continued in Trimester 3.

Week Plans Examples Hacks (Todo) Tangibles Reviews
JCC - Team Structure and Work Distribution Automatically Populated Github Issue

JCC - Frontend Planning: Wireframe and Page Connections Automatically Populated Github Issue

JCC - Checkpoint #1 Ideation Part A Review Ticket Automatically Populated Github Issue

JCC - Backend Planning: UML Diagrams and Code Starters Automatically Populated Github Issue

Frontend: Stapplet Wireframe Automatically Populated Github Issue

Frontend: QR Wireframes Automatically Populated Github Issue

Frontend: Index Wireframe Automatically Populated Github Issue

JCC - Ideation and Brainwrite Documentation (Week 1) Automatically Populated Github Issue

JCC Period 1 Student Lessons Part 2 Blog Ticket Automatically Populated Github Issue

UX - jQuery - CRUD Lesson The Bestest Baddest Coders lesson on UX and jQuery|CRUD

JCC - Team Methodology (Planning and Design Week 2) Automatically Populated Github Issue

Frontend: Home Page Automatically Populated Github Issue

Backend: User Roles Automatically Populated Github Issue

Backend: User Object Automatically Populated Github Issue

Backend: Quiz Object Automatically Populated Github Issue

Backend: Object Relationship UML Automatically Populated Github Issue

01 19 2024 Meeting Notes Automatically Populated Github Issue

Meeting Notes - P3 1-17 Automatically Populated Github Issue

JWT Lesson JWT and Web Tokens

Spring/Thymeleaf Lesson The Divorced Coders teaching Spring/Thymeleaf for Period 3 CSA

Individual Review A review before the project

CollegeBoard Test My notes for the collegeboard Test

Backend: File Upload Automatically Populated Github Issue

1 26 2024 Meeting Notes Automatically Populated Github Issue

Frontend: Stapplet Services Automatically Populated Github Issue

Deployment: All Materials in AWS Automatically Populated Github Issue

Backend: ClassPeriod Object Automatically Populated Github Issue

Frontend: Repository README Automatically Populated Github Issue

Backend: Repository README Automatically Populated Github Issue

JCC - Checkpoint #1 Ideation Part B Review Ticket Automatically Populated Github Issue

Frontend: Student QR Code Program Automatically Populated Github Issue

Frontend: Navbar Automatically Populated Github Issue

Frontend: Global SASS Automatically Populated Github Issue

Backend: Assignment object Automatically Populated Github Issue

01 22 2024 Meeting Notes Automatically Populated Github Issue

01 22 2024 - Week #3 Goals Automatically Populated Github Issue

Thymeleaf Admin Panel Lesson Use Thymeleaf to make a dynamic and cool page for your Admin Panel!

User Profile JavaScript/HTML Lesson HTML and Javascript of User Profiles

Backend: QR Code Automatically Populated Github Issue

1 31 2024 Meeting Notes Automatically Populated Github Issue

Algorythmic Blog

Unit6: Creative Development and N@tM

This will be most creative portion of year for CSA students. Each person within "Student Teams" will have their own specialty within their student project that shows Full Stack competency, requiring Java as backend. Intentions for this period is to have a free and creative period, driven by your Issues and Scrum Board. Student should be able to talk about design, do fe/be coding, addd database features and perform weekly live reviews.

Week Plans Examples Hacks (Todo) Tangibles Reviews
Frontend: User Dashboard Automatically Populated Github Issue

JCC - Image Recognition Progress Made Automatically Populated Github Issue

JCC - Feature Ready Review 02 08 2024 Automatically Populated Github Issue

N@tM Feedback Automatically Populated Github Issue

Frontend: Table Generator Automatically Populated Github Issue

FRQ 4 Final FRQ for collegeboard FRQ final

FRQ 3 Third FRQ for collegeboard FRQ final

FRQ 2 Second FRQ for collegeboard FRQ final

FRQ 1 First FRQ for collegeboard FRQ final

N@tM Review - Capture the Moment My review of the N@tM

QR code retrospection My retrospective on the qr code project

Unit7: Data Structures

A focus Data Structures that relate to the AP exam. A key requirement is to make your own Algo Rythmic sorting video. The theme is produce work that can be used to help you pass the AP Exam and improve your Passion Project. Each student must cover key concepts from one of the Four AP FRQ types, contain a key Data Structure, and utilize sorting. These requirements are fairly generic and could complement any project.

Week Plans Examples Hacks (Todo) Tangibles Reviews
Week 25 Team Review - JCC Automatically Populated Github Issue

Debugging Issue Automatically Populated Github Issue

3FORWARDSLASH6 Meeting Notes - T3 Automatically Populated Github Issue

Unit 7 Lesson ArrayList Lesson STUDENT STUDENT

Searching Lesson

Unit 6.1 - 6.3 Focused on Arrays and Array Examination Covering Arrays (Unit 6.1-6.3)

Individual Seed

AWS Adventures Part 2 How to use AWS Secret Manager and Lambdas to use secret keys

Statistics Functions Automatically Populated Github Issue

QR Code Association W/User Automatically Populated Github Issue

Project: Student Search Feature. Automatically Populated Github Issue

Proclamation of Agility (Agile Manifesto) Automatically Populated Github Issue

Big Project Feature Check #1 - 3/18 Team Review Automatically Populated Github Issue

Automatically Populate Github Issues Automatically Populated Github Issue

AWS Lambda + Secrets Manager Automatically Populated Github Issue

Wednesday Workshop Meeting Prep & Notes - 3/13 Automatically Populated Github Issue

Triangle 2 Planning Automatically Populated Github Issue

TRIANGLE #1 PLANNING - 3FORWARDSLASH27 Automatically Populated Github Issue

Frontend: Navbar Search functionality Automatically Populated Github Issue

Frontend: Videocall Page Automatically Populated Github Issue

Feature Check-In - Resume Builder/Menu UI Automatically Populated Github Issue

Backend: StappletData Object Automatically Populated Github Issue

3/27 Workshop Review - JCC Automatically Populated Github Issue

Frontend: Sign-in/Login Page Automatically Populated Github Issue

Algorhythmic Summary Automatically Populated Github Issue

Frontend: Resume Builder Feature Automatically Populated Github Issue

Unit8: AP Weeks

Student will lead several study sessions (20 minute test, follow by review) the week before the exam. In any break in study, students will transition activities to a final project.

Week Plans Examples Hacks (Todo) Tangibles Reviews

Mort Email

Tracker for time spent working Automatically Populated Github Issue

Big Project Feature Check #2 - 4/18 Team Review Automatically Populated Github Issue

Assignment Objects Automatically Populated Github Issue

message page wireframe Automatically Populated Github Issue

Frontend: Email/messaging Automatically Populated Github Issue


Unit9: Final Project and N@tM

Wrap up your preferred project. There will be an opportunity to contribute and be published to the NightHawk Coding Society library. If your project is selected, then you will receive a high 'A' on final.

Week Plans Examples Hacks (Todo) Tangibles Reviews
SASS Lessons Automatically Populated Github Issue

Frontend: DARK MODE GRRRR 😈 (+ other dynamic SASS features) Automatically Populated Github Issue

AP Week Planning - The "J" Coding Colonies (5/3) Automatically Populated Github Issue

CTE Presentation Notes Automatically Populated Github Issue

Drew Reed - Plan for the Remainder of the Project Cycle (Assignment Grading/Viewing) Automatically Populated Github Issue

Rushed Notes Automatically Populated Github Issue

Ishi and Ekam Final Sprint Automatically Populated Github Issue

Custom URLs Automatically Populated Github Issue

Backend: StappletData API Automatically Populated Github Issue

What Kevin will be doing Automatically Populated Github Issue

Ryan and Edwin Final Sprint Week Automatically Populated Github Issue

Raymond Sheng Final Goals Automatically Populated Github Issue