This is a page where I will record the vocabulary that I learn throughout this course.

  • Variable
    • a way to store data
    • can be put into different categories
    • Primitive Types
      • Integer (Int): a whole number
      • Character (Char): a single letter or symbol
      • Float (Float): A number with a decimal
      • String (String): A line of text
      • Double (Double): A number with a decimal
      • Boolean (Bool) True of false value (stored as 1 or 0)
    • Collections
      • List/Array (Arr): a list of values of the same type
      • Dictionary: A list of values of different types with keys and values
  • Concatenation
    • Adding variables together use +, creates a larger variable or can be used for stuff like printing
  • Function
    • A block of code that can be run when the function is called. Some functions are built in like printing functions and some are created by the programmer. Syntax differs by language, but most have
  • Jekyll
    • language used for some parts of fastpages
  • Liquid
    • Language used to build the tags page
  • Procedural Abstraction
    • this is confusing for me. Essentially its a procedure of abstracting out functions to higher levels. For example, if we have a multiplication function and we run that function we don’t care how it multiplies the numbers we input, we just want it to multiply the numbers. This is procedurally abstracting the process to the lowest level of computations.
  • Local Server
    • Running one right now! It’s a server running locally on my computer using Docker Packages. Allows for quick editing as your changes show up instantly. You also don’t need to push your changes to github for the changes to show up. This is because the server is built by reading the local files, not the cloud files on github.