Lesson Notes

Day 1, Unit 3 Sections 1-2

Grade: 1/1

  • I already knew most of this, but I saw a cool python syntax that I didn’t know. This was indexing through a list using a colon. I learned that the colon indexes from the number to the left of the colon to the number to the right of the colon. The double colon includes a jump in the middle. So essentially if you have :2: it will index throughout getting every other value in the list.

Day 2, Unit 3 Sections 3-4

Grade: 1/1

  • New Sudo Code:
    • len() returns the length of a string
      • same name in python
    • lower() converts it all to lowercase
      • same name in python
    • substring() returns the characters from the string beginning at the first condition and ending at the second position
      • comparable to the : operator for indexes in python

Day 3, Unit 3 Sections 5-7

Grade: 1/1

  • Comparing lists
    • I didn’t really know how comparing lists worked in python before

Day 3, Unit 3 Sections 8 and 10

This was mine