
46/50 Q2: I got this question wrong, I didn’t realize that the IP doesn’t actually give information about the user, but instead the cookies are because they actually contain information which can be used to track the user.
Q8: I didn’t really know what digital certificates were at all, but now I know they’re not used to verify that the connection is fault tolerant.
Q28: I got this one wrong because of weird substring stuff. I forgot that the second value in the substring function was the length and not the distance from the end. It needs to be four not 2 because the first two are removed so 2 less than the length would just be everything after that.
Q41: I don’t really know what I was thinking for this one. I know binary search needs to be done on a sorted list but for some reason I thought converting it from decimal was the same as sorting it and I don’t really know why.