P3-M 4/25 Simulations
Creating simulations using pandas and python libraries
- Objectives
- What are simulations by College Board definition?
- Analyzing an Example: Air-Traffic Simulator
- Functions we often need (python)
- Functions we often need (js)
- College Board Question 1
- Examples
- Adding images (in Python)
- importing Image class from PIL package
- creating a object
- JS examples
- Understand how computers can be used to represent real-world phenomena or outcomes
- Compare simulations with real-world contexts.
- Implement code to mimic real world situations, problems, or phenomena.
What are simulations by College Board definition?
- Simulations are abstractions that mimic more complex objects or phenomena from the real world
- Purposes include drawing inferences without the constraints of the real world
- Simulations use varying sets of values to reflect the changing state of a real phenomenon
- Often, when developing a simulation, it is necessary to remove specific details or simplify aspects
- Simulations can often contain bias based on which details or real-world elements were included/excluded
- Simulations allow the formulation of hypothesis under consideration
- Variability and randomness of the world is considered using random number generators
- Examples: rolling dice, spinners, molecular models, analyze chemicals/reactions…
Analyzing an Example: Air-Traffic Simulator
- Say we want to find out what the optimal number of aircrafts that can be in the air in one area is.
- A simulation allows us to explore this question without real world contraints of money, time, safety
- Unfortunately we can’t just fly 67 planes all at once and see what happens
- Since the simulation won’t be able to take all variables into control, it may have a bias towards one answer
- Will not always have the same result
Functions we often need (python)
import random # a module that defines a series of functions for generating or manipulating random integers
random.choice() #returns a randomly selected element from the specified sequence
random.choice(mylist) # returns random value from list
random.randint(0,10) #randomly selects an integer from given range; range in this case is from 0 to 10
random.random() #will generate a random float between 0.0 to 1.
Functions we often need (js)
Math.random(); // returns a random number
Math.floor(Math.random() * 10); // Returns a random integer from 0 to 9:
College Board Question 1
Question: The following code simulates the feeding of 4 fish in an aquarium while the owner is on a 5-day trip:
numFish ← 4
foodPerDay ← 20
foodLeft ← 160
daysStarving ← 0
foodConsumed ← numFish * foodPerDay
foodLeft ← foodLeft - foodConsumed
IF (foodLeft < 0) {
daysStarving ← daysStarving + 1
} }
- This simulation simplifies a real-world scenario into something that can be modeled in code and executed on a computer.
- Summarize how the code works:
This code works by first setting the variables of the number of fish, the food each fish needs, and the total food at the beginning. Then, it simulates all 5 days, by calculating how much food each fish needs per day and subtrating that by the ammount of food left. If there is negative food, it increase the days that the fish has been starving.
Card Flip
import random
cards = ["Ace", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", "King"]
suits = ["Diamonds", "Hearts", "Spades", "Clubs"]
print(random.choice(cards) + " of " + random.choice(suits))
Coin Flip
import random
def coinflip(): #def function
randomflip = random.randint(0, 1) #picks either 0 or 1 randomly
if randomflip == 0: #assigning 0 to be heads--> if 0 is chosen then it will print, "Heads"
elif randomflip == 1: #assigning 1 to be tails--> if 1 is chosen then it will print, "Tails"
def weightedCoinFlip():
randomflip = random.randint(0, 2) #picks either 0, 1 or 2 randomly
if randomflip == 0: #if 0 is chosen then it will print, "Heads"
else: # if 1 or 2 is chosen then it will print, "Tails"
#Tossing the coin 5 times:
unweighted: Tails Tails Tails Tails Tails weighted: Tails Heads Heads Tails Heads
Your turn: Change the code to make it simulate the flipping of a weighted coin.
Adding images (in Python)
- Add a heads and tails images into your images directory with the correct names and run the code below
’'’python import random
importing Image class from PIL package
from PIL import Image
creating a object
im = Image.open(r”images/heads.png”) image = Image.open(r”images/tails.png”)
if i == 1: print(“heads”) display(im)
else: print(“tails”) display(image)

In order to display an image in python, we can use the PIL package we previously learned about.
### Spin the Wheel
import random
print("Spin the wheel!")
n = 300
blue = 0
red = 0
for i in range(n):
spin = random.randint(1,2)
if spin == 1: # head
blue = blue + 1
else: # tail
red = red + 1
print('Number of blue:', blue)
print('Number of red:', red)
if (red > blue):
print("You got more Red than Blue")
print("You got more Blue than Red")
Spin the wheel!
Number of blue: 140
Number of red: 160
You got more Red than Blue
Your turn: Add a visual to the simulation!
Population Growth and Plots
import random
totalPopulation = 50
growthFactor = 1.00005
dayCount = 0 #Every 2 months the population is reported
while totalPopulation < 1000000:
totalPopulation *= growthFactor
#Every 56th day, population is reported
dayCount += 1
if dayCount % 56 == 0:
50.14019267336515 50.28077842644361 924471.390705649 927063.4730199015 929662.8231531383 932269.4614832586 934883.408445299 937504.6845315925 940133.3102919292 942769.306333718 945412.6933221479 948063.4919803509 950721.7230895628 953387.4074892879 956060.5660774591 958741.2198106066 961429.3897040186 964125.096831907 966828.3623275728 969539.2073835713 972257.6532518797 974983.721244062 977717.4327314354 980458.8091452414 983207.8719768105 985964.6427777322 988729.1431600227 991501.3947962954 994281.4194199304 997069.2388252458 999864.8748676664 198075
Here we initialize the total population to be 50, then set the growth factor as 1.00005 (.005 percent change). It will print the population every 56th day until it reaches one million. It multiplies the current population by the growth factor in each iteration, and increments the day count. When the day count reaches 56, it prints the current population and resets the day count to 0.
Note! This simulation assumes that the growth factor remains constant as time progresses, which may not be a realistic assumption in real-world scenarios.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Define the initial population and growth rate
population = 100
growth_rate = 0.05
# Define the number of years to simulate
num_years = 50
# Create lists to store the population and year values
populations = [population]
years = [0]
# Simulate population growth for the specified number of years
for year in range(1, num_years+1):
# Calculate the new population size
new_population = population + (growth_rate * population)
# Update the population and year lists
# Set the new population as the current population for the next iteration
population = new_population
# Plot the population growth over time
plt.plot(years, populations)
plt.title('Population Growth Simulation')
If we create quantative data, we can plot it using the Matplotlib library.
Example on how simplification can cause bias
import random
beak = ["small-beak", "long-beak", "medium-beak"],
wing = ["small-wings", "large-wings", "medium-wings"],
height = ["short", "tall","medium"]
naturaldisaster = ["flood", "drought", "fire", "hurricane", "dustbowl"]
print("When a" , random.choice(naturaldisaster) , "hit", random.choice(height), "birds died")
When a dustbowl hit medium birds died
How does this simulation have bias?
This simulation has bias because the disastor is random and so has no cause/reason, and the height has no effect on whether the birds died.
JS examples
Dice Roll Binary Coin Flip Card Pull
- Answer all questions and prompts in the notes (0.2)
- Create a simulation
- Create a simulation that uses iteration and some form of data collection (list, dictionary…) (0.4)
- try creating quantative data and using the Matplotlib library to display said data
- Comment and describe function of each parts
- How does your simulation help solve/mimic a real world problem?
- Is there any bias in your simulation? Meaning, are there any discrepancies between your program and the real event?
- Create a simulation that uses iteration and some form of data collection (list, dictionary…) (0.4)
- Answer these simulation questions (0.3)
- Bonus: take a real world event and make a pseudocode representation or pseudocode on a flowchart of how you would make a simulation for it (up to +0.1 bonus)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
def angleToRadian(angle): # Function to convert an angle to radians
return math.pi * angle/180
initialVelocity = 100 # Variable to set the initial velocity
angle = 45
Vix = initialVelocity * math.sin(angleToRadian(angle)) # Finds the horizontal component of velocity
Viy = initialVelocity * math.cos(angleToRadian(angle)) # Finds the vertical component of velocity
# Defining variables
t = 0
x = 0
y = 0
Xs = []
Ys = []
# This is the main simulation loop
while Viy * t - 0.5 * 9.8 * (t**2) >= 0: # Checks if the y value is greater than 0 to continue the simulation.
t += 0.01 # increments time by .01 seconds
Xs.append(Vix * t) # Adds the X position to the list of x values
Ys.append(Viy * t - 0.5 * 9.8 * (t**2)) # Adds the y position to the list of
# Creates the graph
plt.plot(Xs, Ys)
plt.title('Projectile Motion Simulation')
# My simulation works by calculating the x and y position of a projectile in free fall using the kinematic equations.
# There is bias in my simulation or at least innacuracies. My simulation assumes extrenious forces like air resistence are negligable, which they may not be.
# It also sets gravitational acceletation to 9.8 which is a rounded value.
Simulation Questions:
- A, B
- A
- A
- D
- B, C
- C
Corrections: I got 5 wrong, instead of C the answer is D. I don’t understand why it’s wrong. I think the question is bad.