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Bash Learns

Also in the Checks w/Bash post.

I’ve had basically no experience with Bash before this so it was interesting to learn some of the new functionality now as well. Here is some of what I learned.

Code Syntax Notes
Variables key=value Most variables work the same and it looks like bash works a similar way as well. You don’t put a space in between the key and the value. If you do it looks like bash reads the key as a command and so the variable doesn’t work. Also, to call a variable it looks like you need a $ sign in front, otherwise it just reads it as a string.
Echo echo “what you want to print” Echo is the bash version of print and pretty much works the same, though you can do some cool stuff with periods with it.
If then if [[ condition ]] then code else code fi This again is pretty similar to java or python though there are some differences. For example the condition needs [[]] which is different. Also, you need a then statement to run the code and at the end you need fi to finish the if statement.