
Scrum Master: Toby Leeder Dev Ops: Gene Chang Frontend: Nathan Capule Backend: Caleb Navarro

Week 9

Initial Meeting, Monday

  • Toby: Work on logic for pieces, starting with rook then beginning pawn
  • Gene: Ensure Flask is running on AWS and stays running
  • Caleb: Backend (inconclusive, waiting on more lessons from Mortenson)
  • Nathan: Work on creating a chess board with html and creating the pieces on it

Midweek Meeting, Wednesday

  • Toby: Assist Gene with Flask on AWS (more experienced and therefore able to help), work with Nathan on integration (more info in Nathan’s changes)
  • Gene: Create Group Fastpages
  • Caleb: Create Functional API on group Fastpages connected to our group flask (running on AWS)
  • Nathan: Work on integration, help Toby with integrating his code done in Javascript Jupyter Notebook into the ChessBoard

Final Meeting, Friday

  • All: Create Video Displaying Our Roles
  • Gene: Add new requirements to nginx file on AWS (given on Slack)
  • Nathan: Combine videos into a single four minute video ready to be presented on Monday