5.1 and 5.2 notes

Our project has a few benefits being a site to play video games. The major benefit is to alleviate boredom. It will do this by providing entertainment through the many different games available. Also, this website provides a premier avenue for friendly competition with your friends, through our online gameplay capabilities. It also can facilitate learning from your mistakes via the history page.

Our website could have a harmful effect if people become addicted to our games.

Internet blockers I think simply limit people. As highschoolers we should be able to think and make descisions for ourself. We’re mature, so we shouldn’t be limited from doing things. As highschoolers our education is already our own responsability. We don’t need others to keep us accountable.

I’m concerned about the digital divide because it won’t really get any better. It will only continue to increase and get worse and worse, those who don’t have access to technology may never be able to have adequate access in order to participate in a further technological society.

Multiple Choice Test #2


The one question I got wrong was the question about a heuristic solution and honestly I had never heard of that before in my life. I looked it up, but still got it wrong.

CPT Project

The code segment I will use will probably be one of my functions to find the available moves of a chess piece. These functions have parameters and also use many different lists to compute the possible moves. My purpose will be to alleviate boredem.

For example, my function to find the available captures take a list of the total obstructed moves and checks if each move is able to be captured. This has different inputs with differing outputs and uses lists to manage the complexity of the computation.