5.1 and 5.2 notes

Our project has a few benefits being a site to play video games. The major benefit is to alleviate boredom. It will do this by providing entertainment through the many different games available. Also, this website provides a premier avenue for friendly competition with your friends, through our online gameplay capabilities. It also can facilitate learning from your mistakes via the history page.

Our website could have a harmful effect if people become addicted to our games.

Internet blockers I think simply limit people. As highschoolers we should be able to think and make descisions for ourself. We’re mature, so we shouldn’t be limited from doing things. As highschoolers our education is already our own responsability. We don’t need others to keep us accountable.

I’m concerned about the digital divide because it won’t really get any better. It will only continue to increase and get worse and worse, those who don’t have access to technology may never be able to have adequate access in order to participate in a further technological society.

5.3 and 5.4 notes

I think that this is very interesting. I don’t think computers can be inherently biased though, so I don’t like the term computer bias. All bias comes from people, because computers are by definition unbiased. Rather any bias is a sampling bias. This bias most likely comes from the developers, the people creating the computer, not the actual computer istelf. The HP facial regonition is a good example. It’s not that the computer is racist, it’s just when they were training the computer they only trained it with white people, most likely the HP employees. Especially with AI, we don’t actually know how the nueral networks work. If it’s only trained to find

Del Norte crowdsourcing mostly comes in the form of AP stats or AP psych forms. These crowdsourcing projects normally are in order to conduct some form of research or study based on the data they recieve. Generally these are for a grade. In my project we could use crowdsourcing by having people play games in order to give us some history data.

5.5 and 5.6 notes

There are many different interesting liscense types. I personally am a big fan of open source, not just as a programmer, but also as a user. When something is open source, I have a much higher sense of security. I can trust that it’s safe, since if it wasn’t safe someone else would have said soemthing about it. As for our own project, since we aren’t planning on using our code privately for any purposes, we chose to use a GPL liscense. We want everyone to be able to use our code and any modifications to our code to be shared.

Some common PII taken in compsci are names, usernames, and a password, though the password is unique. Sometimes, the fitness ones specifically, will ask for weight, height and other important info for creating a workout plan. Good passwords are long and hard to guess. If it’s something simple someone doesn’t even need an algorithm to crack it. If it’s random but short, an algorithm will crack it quickly. One phishing scheme I have learned about was when my instagram got hacked. It took me to a page that looked like an instagram sign on and so I used it. Then my account started sending people dms and posting things, so I emailed facebook and they helped me get my account back.