Alumni Panel Thoughts

I’m really glad I was able to attend this event. It was really interesting and I learned a lot of new things. I didn’t realize just how much programming is used in the STEM world and it was really interesting for me to learn that. Also, I learned that the best time to apply for internships is in September and December. Overall I’m really glad I went and I feel good about my choice in taking APCSP.

Alumni Panel Notes

Question Colein Anthony Andrew Maybel Allison Nitiya
How did you realize what you wanted to do and how did csp help? “Hmm I can code well but I can 3d model better”
Compsci is a lot about perspective, look at people who are not classmates and see how you compare
Loves problem solving and cs
Liked curriculum
Realized he liked complexity, and theory about cs, liked java backends development and all that stuff
Thought he was pretty decent at that
Didn’t like class, knew it was important to learn
Did cs even though not a cs major
It’s useful in life and you’ll need to know it at some point
Didn’t like aerospace so switched to cog sci
Didn’t really like cs but still doing it
Liked some design aspects of it and is doing cog sci
Always interested in computer science from young age
Middle school and high school taking more seriously
How could she apply her skills
Realized what she’s creating could be used in the real world
Biggest challenge you’ve encountered in comp sci Starting sucks
Error messages are annoying and you don’t know how to fix it
There is something on the internet to help you
Clashing Egos, working together is hard and cs majors aren’t nice are very showy, can be frustrating
Can feel bad about yourself
You have to focus on yourself and your own path
Don’t worry about other people
Theory is difficult, idea behind it
Weird, complicated is confusing, hard transition from high school to college
Motivation to do CS, always someone better than you
Internship makes you do CS, still need to do CS
A specific project or purpose is helpful
Frustrated with syntax
Don’t expect you to know all the syntax, just google it or ask for help
Starting, temptation to bs stuff
Making sure you don’t cut corners, actually do the work to learn
Mindset to go above and beyond solves problems in the long run
Not always gonna have a rigid structure and how to do things
Willing to kinda just start even if you don’t have a plan
Are there any PBL (project-based learning) scenarios in College? - Not that many, working on a project isn’t super common but it does still happen so you need to know how to do it   CS courses do have projects but there are also a lot of tests
There is still PBL
Teacher doesn’t have time to answer everyone’s attention and answer every question
Study groups help
There are some project classes where they do work on a lot of projects but thats where managing groups is difficult
Figure out what works best for you
Especially internships they don’t really expect you to know what to do
Have you applied cs in your major if you are not majoring in CS? A lot of menial tasks that you can speed up by writing a script to help speed up things
Coding is everywhere you need so you can know what you’re doing
Advanced calculations are easier with coding as well
  High level math computer science can help
Math libraries can be helpful to use
Program stuff in CAD like analysis and cad
You can code 3d printing stuff without a 3d model
Making things faster so you don’t have to do it all manually
Internships sometimes just make you do software
Problem solving logic used everywhere
Cog sci does use computer science
More front end
Requirements are stats and psych courses, can use comp sci in stats
Psych has cs as well, mat lab and other stuff
For existing college students have you had a job at your school Make a resume
You put resumes into job sights
Push yourself to be above and beyond
Make your professors like you
Code ninjas, it’s a franchise Tutor at the school
LG internship, woked with APIs and web development, used javascript html and python
Interact with professors and ask them if there is any space in their lab
Interact with the TAs and stuff
Any personal projects?     Companies look for that especially without work experience
If you can find the time it looks good
2-3 personal projects are really useful, they can look at what you’re doing
Computer science in mechanical engineering Mirrored components say mirrored at the end each time
Made a script that isolated the mirrored and took out the text and removed it
Sometimes you have to actually go into the code for Computer Aided Machinery
Simulations for materials, sometimes done by hand

Tips to get a job:

  • Have a resume
  • Know when to apply
  • A lot of companies start hiring in September and November the year before
  • Have proof of work that you’ve done
  • It doesn’t really matter what school you go to
  • Personal projects, project teams and clubs are important
  • Smaller local companies generally take high school interns