Week 6

Collaboration Quiz

Score: 3/3 This quiz was interesting, but easy. The last question I wasn’t sure on because it was correct on a technicality but I did get it right. While users could help identify errors they made, the couldn’t fix it.

Program Function and Purpose Quiz

Score: 6/6 This was the hardest quiz for sure. The fifth question had some code that was pretty difficult to understand but once I realized how ti worked it was pretty cool. Also in general the code language is a little weird. The way they set variables and print stuff. It seems like they changed a lot of stuff just for the sake of changing it and in turn made it worse. Overall though it was still easy.

Program Design and Development Quiz

Score: 3/3 This quiz was pretty easy overall. The only thing that I was confused on is that indexes for collegeboard start at 1. This means that arrays start at 1 and not zero so one question about switching the valuesin an array was a little weird.

Week 7

Copy of Identifying and Correcting Errors Quiz

Score: 2/3 This quiz was the hardest one I’d had up to this point. It was the first one I got something wrong, but that was because I didn’t read that there were 2 answers. It doesn’t really make sense to me though. These situations are really unrealistic I feel, you don’t really end up with code like that which is just completely non-functional at a fundamental level.


During the test

  • Question 16, I don’t think I did the Internet assignment so I didn’t know. I had to use other resources like the internet video to find the correct answer.
  • Question 17, I also didn’t know this one and had a friend help me figure it out.
  • Question 18, another I didn’t know.
  • Question 19 - 21, these questions were about binary and I didn’t know a lot about binary. I knew the basics, but Gene knew more about binary so he was able to help us.
  • Question 22, how does binary. I didn’t realize that you go right to left for binary numbers so that confused me, but I was able to look back at a previous question to figure it out. Score: 47/50
  • Question 43, for this question I made the code myself in javascript, but I did it wrong. I thought it would run 5 times but it actually would have run 6 times so I needed to iterate through one more time.
  • Question 49, I guessed for this one because I was running out of time. If I had time I would have gotten it correct, it was a pretty simple problem.
  • Question 50, same as 49 I guessed for this one. It’s also a really simple question though that I would have gotten right.