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To start, my applab will be a quiz. The questions will be about my robotics whatclub because I just wanted to come up with something random.

  1. Who is the president of the club?
    • Raadwan Masum (C)
    • Adrita Chakraborty
    • Kevin He
    • Toby Leeder
  2. Which of the following is NOT a department in the robotics club?
    • Outreach
    • Software (C)
    • Build
    • Buisness
  3. Who of the following is NOT a member of leadership of the robotics club?
    • Broden Golich
    • Toby Leeder
    • Luke Campillo (C)
    • Rohin Sood
  4. Which department is the best department in the robotics club?
    • Tech (Cish)
    • Build
    • Outreach
    • Buisness
    • None of them (C)
  5. Who is the Vice President of the robotics club?
    • Toby Leeder
    • Kevin He
    • Adrita Chakraborty
    • Hema
    • All of the above (C)

Stuff went wrong

this is where I takl about everything that is not really working

  • The first thing that I just figured out was how to call a table. Ideally my code is abstract, so I want it all to be in functions which run repeatedly with a table. The first part of that though is accessing the data in a table. The only way to do this that I found is use a getColumn function which returns a list of all the entries in the column which you can then access using basic list syntax. I didn’t know that you could use basic list syntax though and it took me a bit to figure that out.
  • Another thing that went wrong was I made a mistake and started off with the initial question number being 1. This meant that it started with entry number 1 in the table. At the beginning I just added in two table entrys so I didn’t notics this the entire time. This became an issue when I was trying to test mutiplt questions. The second question kept not loading and just saying undefined and it took me a bit to realize that this is because it was looking for a third entry that didn’t exist and not the second entry. I got confused, but eventually figured it out.

Here it is

Here is a link to my final app lab project