This is my (Toby’s) website thing. It’s made with fastpages, but you probably already know that.
This blog is about the first Collegeboard quizes I took
2022-10-01 00:00:00 -0500
This is where I will be planning out my quiz that I'm making in AppLab
2022-09-11 00:00:00 -0500
I was able to listen to computer science alumni in college and gain their advice and insights
2022-08-29 00:00:00 -0500
Use JavaScript without external libararies to display all the animations in a sprite sheet.
2022-07-19 00:00:00 -0500
An advanced example of do database operation asynchronously between JavaScript and Backend Database.
2022-07-10 00:00:00 -0500
my first markdown post
2020-08-20 00:00:00 -0500